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Canal Winchester Performing Arts Collective

Winchester Steel Co. Information


     Thank you so much for your interest in becoming a member of the Canal Winchester Area Winchester Steel Co. Steel Band program.  Our group is a unique Music experience that can not be matched in other School Districts and other programs in Central Ohio.  The Winchester Steel Co. is the most unique musical experience you’ll ever have have in your lifetime.  

     No other organization can offer you the professional atmosphere that our Steel Band can.  The performances can range from 1/2 to 3 hours.  You will begin to see how the notes on the page are just a beginning to your concert.  You will have the opportunity to develop into fine soloists.  You will see how, with improvisation, most of the music is never played the same way twice.

You can read more about the history of our program by clicking here.

Here are few things to know about our program:

1)     There are NO Participation Fees. The group is 100% self funded.  Any High School age student in our area is welcome to join.  You do not need to attend Canal Winchester Schools or have a Canal Winchester mailing address.

2)      There are no conflicts with any of the Marching Band rehearsals or performances.  During the Marching Band Season, September and October, we rehearse on Monday, 2:45-4:00.  After the Marching Band Season ends, we move to Mondays and Fridays, 2:45-3:45.

3)      We have Pan Camp the week of Aug 12-16, 11:00-2:30 at David's United Church of Christ, 80 W Columbus St. CW.  This week is very important to help our new players feel comfortable with their instrument.  Please see that it is on your calendar.

4)      While playing a steel drum may seem totally foreign to some students, the majority of the current members are not percussionists by training and had no experience playing a percussion instrument before joining the Steel Band.  We have a large variety of on-line resources to help you learn to play a steel Drum.  These include Letter Name reviews, Rhythm Patterns phrases and even a site where you can play a virtual Steel Drum on-line.  Try it here!

5)       Many of our players are involved in one or more of our sports teams or other activities.  I realize conflicts can happen with our rehearsals and I am willing to find ways to compromise with other school activities.  You will be expected to avoid conflicts with any job schedules.

6)       There are only about a dozen such groups in all of Ohio.  The Winchester Steel Co. Steel Band has a professional reputation throughout the Midwest.  We are the only HS group to open for the the Columbus Jazz Orchestra.  We've played at the Lancaster Arts Festival and numerous Corporate and Private events around Central Ohio.

7)       The members of the band achieve the highest level musicianship.  ANY student looking at a full or part time career in music should be a member of this group.

8)      The Winchester Steel Co. Steel Band has worked with the top people in the Steel Band world.  We’ve commissioned works from and hosted clinicians that are considered in the top ten Steel Band authorities on the planet.  We have developed a Coast to Coast reputation of the highest quality work.

9)       We need just a couple things from every student - Show up to rehearsal and give us your best effort.  With that, you’re guaranteed to be successful.  As the old joke goes:  “How do you eat an Elephant?  One bite at a time.”  Have patience and set a reasonable goal for each practice.  Bit by bit, you'll become a quality Steel Drum player.

We want you in our Steel Band!

Click here to enter your contact inforamtion and we will be in touch soon.

For questions or concerns, please email: